Anti-Gravity Displays

Anti-Gravity Displays

Anti-gravity displays are the latest addition to our unique offering at PinSource. Although there are a lot of ways to store pins and coins and medals, these devices offer a fun and different approach.

The displays  suspend each item in a thin flexible plastic layer so it can be viewed and admired from each side. They come in a variety of difference sizes and option for showcasing: rectangle and square with different dimension options as well as square or circular ‘feet’ for the display to stand on. color options are;  black or white and all have a film to suspend, over and protect each item.

The display offers a unique solution and we are pleased to be able to offer them to our customers as a fun and new option for display and storage. The possibilities are endless as they can hold  metal, lapel pins, coins and more.

There are a lot of different ways to display your collections or collectable items and we are excited about his new product. We hope you will be too. There are a lot of different options on the market that offer display and storage but this is a unique and new design we think you’ll be interested in. Give us a call to learn more about pricing or specific. We would be happy to discuss options.

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